“Performance Evaluation of 500 mA X-ray Units in the Philippines”
A. Lobriguito
Quality Assurance in Radiation Dosimetry, International Atomic Energy Agency, 27 May 1993.
“Radiation Dose Reduction in Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Procedures at KFSH&RC”
A. M. Lobriguito, et al
Quality Day, KFSH&RC, Riyadh, KSA, 3 Ocotber 1995
“Performance Evaluation of Gamma Cameras in the Philippines”,
Aida M. Lobriguito
QC in Nuclear Medicine Workshop, International Atomic Energy Agency, 1994
Mrs. Aida Lobriguito
joined July 12, 2008
3 journals, 3 conferences, 2 societies, 3 awards