Development of future all-solid-state, ultraviolet, terawatt laser system using Ce:LiCAF as a gain medium
Alex Quema, Yuji Suzuki, Shingo Ono and Nobuhiko Sarukura
5th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PAcific Rim 2003), Taipei, Taiwan, December 2003
Excitation fluence dependence of THz-radiation from femtosecond-laser-irradiated InAs under magnetic field
Alex Quema, Hiroshi Takahashi, Shingo Ono and Nobuhiko Sarukura
28th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves (IRMMW 2003), Otsu, Japan, October 2003
Terahertz spectroscopy of various naphthols
Alex Quema, Masahiro Goto, Shingo Ono and Nobuhiko Sarukura
11th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics (THz 2003), Sendai, Japan, September 2003
Identification of various hydroxynapthalenes using terahertz spectroscopy
Alex Quema, Hiroshi Takahashi, Masahiro Goto, Shingo Ono and Nobuhiko Sarukura
Ultrafast Optics IV (UFO 2003), Vienna, Austria, July 2003
Magneto-optical effects of free carriers in semiconductors studied by terahertz-time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS)
Alex Quema, Shigeki Nashima, Osamu Morikawa and Masanori Hangyo
27th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves (IRMMW 2002), California, U.S.A., September 2002
Dr. Alex Quema
joined January 30, 2004
6 journals, 5 conferences, 2 societies, 1 award