Journal Articles
Evolution of ideal gas mixtures confined in an insulated container by two identical pistons 
Rumelo C. Amor, Jose Perico Esguerra
American Journal of Physics 78, 916-919, 2010
Turbulence in a gas laser 
M.P.Solon, P.Esguerra and A. Muriel
Physica A 388, 4361-4363, 2009
Brownian motion of a charged particle driven internally by correlated noise 
F.N.C.Paraan, M.P.Solon, J.P.Esguerra
Phys.Rev.E 77, 022101, 2008
Periods of relativistic oscillators with even polynomial potentials 
M.P.Solon, and J.P.H.Esguerra
Phys. Lett. A 372, 6608-6612, 2008
First-passage-time distribution for diffusion through a planar wedge 
D.L.L.Dy and J.P.Esguerra
Phys.Rev.E 78, 062101, 2008
Exact moments in a continuous time random walk with complete memory of its history 
F.N.C.Paraan and J.P.Esguerra
Phys.Rev.E 74, 032101, 2006
Instabilities in classical and quantum fluids 
A.Muriel, P.Esguerra, L.Jirkovsky, and M.Dresden
Physica D 119, 381-397, 1998
Exact time evolution of the density of a classical many-body system: The open one-dimensional gravitational gas 
A.Muriel, and P. Esguerra
Phys. Rev. E 54, 1433-1441, 1996
Thermodynamics of the one-dimensional gravitational gas 
A. Muriel, P. Esguerra, M. Feix
Astronomy and Astrophysics 287, 1021-1025, 1994
Dr. Jose Perico Esguerra
joined September 6, 2009
9 journals, 2 societies