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Dr. Christopher Marlowe Caipang's Profile
Journal Articles
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Infection-induced changes in expression of antibacterial and cytokine genes in the gill epithelial cells of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua during incubation with bacterial pathogens
Caipang, C.M.A., Lazado, C.C., Brinchmann, M.F., & Kiron, V.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B , , 2010

Detection of Francisella piscicida in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua by the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) reaction
Caipang, C.M.A., Kulkarni, A., Brinchmann, M.F., Korsnes, K. & Kiron, V.
The Veterinary Journal 184, 357-361, 2010

Antagonistic activity of bacterial isolates from intestinal microbiota of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua and an investigation of their immunomodulatory capabilities.
Caipang, C.M.A., Brinchmann, M.F. & Kiron, V.
Aquaculture Research 41, 249-256, 2010

Expression profiles of genes associated with immune response and oxidative stress in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua head kidney leukocytes modulated by live and heat-inactivated intestinal bacteria
Lazado, C.C., Caipang, C.M.A., Gallage, S., Brinchmann, M.F. & Kiron, V.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 155, 249-255, 2010

Characterization of GP21 and GP12: two potential probiotic bacteria isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of Atlantic cod
Lazado, C.C., Caipang, C.M.A., Rajan, B., Brinchmann, M.F. & Kiron, V.
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins , , 2010

Simultaneous detection of pathogens causing francisellosis, furunculosis and vibriosis in Atlantic cod by multiplex PCR
Kulkarni, A., Caipang, C.M.A., Brinchmann, M.F. & Kiron, V.
Aquaculture Research in press, , 2010

Unmethylated CpG oligodeoxynucleotides activate head kidney leukocytes of Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua
Caipang, C.M.A., Gallage, S., Lazado, C.C., Brinchmann, M.F., & Kiron, V.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry in press, , 2010

Responses of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua head kidney leukocytes to phytase produced by gastrointestinal-derived bacteria
Lazado, C.C., Caipang, C.M.A., Gallage, S., Brinchmann, M.F. & Kiron, V.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry in press, , 2010

Rapid diagnosis of vibriosis and white spot syndrome (WSS) in the culture of shrimp, Penaeus monodon in Philippines
Caipang, C.M.A. & Aguana, M.P.N.
Veterinary Research Communications in press, , 2010

A bioinformatics analysis of the genomic and evolutionary characteristics of a gene: the case of small nuclear ribonucleic polypeptide A (SNRPA) of Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus
Lazado, C.C. & C.M.A. Caipang
Philippine Journal of Natural Sciences 14, 1-8, 2009

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Dr. Christopher Marlowe Caipang
joined April 11, 2006

41 journals, 3 conferences, 5 societies, 3 awards