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Automatic curriculum vitae generation with the BKR database

Registered users of the BKR database can now automatically generate their curriculum vitae (CV) online. The content of the CV is dynamically generated using the information stored in the database and includes publication list, educational background, work history, and academic awards, among others. It is also in portable document format (PDF) so that it can be easily saved into your computer or send via email.

To obtain a copy of your CV, simply login to your account. Under the Miscellaneous section of the navigation bar located in the left column, find the Generate CV link. Click this link to get a copy of your CV in PDF format. So as long as you keep the information in the database up-to-date, immediate access to your updated CV is just a click away. Try it now!

If you encounter problems when using this feature, please let me know by leaving a message in my message board. Thanks.

posted in Announcement on July 24, 2009 with 4113 views

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