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BKR Database in Facebook

I would like to announce the availability of the beta version of the Bahay Kubo Research Database Facebook application. You can find the application in this URL: http://apps.facebook.com/bkrdatabase/.

If you have a Facebook account, you can use this application to pull the information from the database into your Facebook profile. You can include a Publications tab in your Facebook profile to display your recent publications. In the application's canvas, you can view your publications and that of your friends who are also registered in the database. You can also join our fan page for more social interaction.

Additional functionalities will be added as the need arises. We are planning to add the ability to post additional information into the database from within Facebook in the coming days. So stay tune.

Hope you will find this useful. If you have suggestions or comments, drop a comment below.


posted in Announcement on March 15, 2010 with 8618 views

Available Comments

sent by Dr. Epifanio Bagarinao on Apr. 7, 2010 09:12:35 am

It is now possible to add new publication entries within Facebook. You can do this by visiting the Facebook's BKR Database application canvas page. Click the link to add a new publication entry, fill in the needed information, and after hitting the submit button, the new entry will be added into the database. It will also post the same info into your FB Wall to update your friends. Cheers!