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Dr. Ribelito Torregosa
My research interests include: Earthquake Ground Motions, Structural Optimization, Ground Response to Earthquake Motions, earthquake engineering, Ground motion, optimization using genetic algorithm

Journal Articles

Weight Optimization of Steel Frames Using Genetic Algorithm
Torregosa, R. and Worsak, K.
Advances in Structural Engineering Journal 5 No. 2, 99 - 113, 2002

Assessment of Seismic Hazard and Microzoning in the Philippines
Torregosa, R. , Sugito, M. and Nojima, N.
JSCE Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering 19 No. 2, 81s - 98s, 2002

Strong Motion Simulation For The Philippines Based On Seismic Hazard Assessment
Torregosa, R. , Sugito, M. and Nojima, N.
Journal of Natural Disaster Science 23, 35-51, 2001


Assessment of Seismic Hazard and Ground Motion Amplifications of the Philippines Based on Surface Geology
Torregosa, R. , Sugito, M. and Nojima
Third-Multi Lateral Workshop on Development of Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Technologies and their Integration for the Asia-Pacific Region, Manila, Philippines, Nov. 2000

Hazard Consistent Strong Motion Simulation for Philippine Major Cities
Torregosa, R. , Sugito, M. and Nojima, N.
JSCE Civil Engineering Conference, Kanazawa City, Japan, March 7, 2000

Dr. Ribelito Torregosa
[Personal Website]
joined July 2, 2003

3 journals, 2 conferences, 1 award