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Dr. Mudjekeewis Santos's Profile
Journal Articles
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Identification, characterization and expression of a novel cytokine M17 homologue in fish
Hwang, J.H., M. D. Santos, I. Hirono
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 6, 1256-1265, 2007

A novel type-1 cytokine receptor from fish involved in the Janus kinase/Signal transducers and activators of transcription (Jak/STAT) signal pathway
Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Motoshige Yasuike, Ikuo Hirono and Takashi Aoki
Molecular Immunology 44, 3355-3363, 2007

The granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (CSF3s) of fish and chicken
Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Motoshige Yasuike, Ikuo Hirono and Takashi Aoki
Immunogenetics 58, 422-432, 2006

Philippine Coastal Fisheries Situation
Noel C. Barut, Mudjekeewis D. Santos, Leony L. Mijares, Rodelio Subade, Nygiel B. Armada and Len Garces
Worldfish Center Conference Proceedings 67, 1120p, 2003

Preliminary investigation of marine mammal distribution, abundance and interactions with humans in the southern Sulu Sea
Dolar, M.L.L.., W.F. Perrin, A.A. Yaptinchay. Hj. Jaaman, M.D. Santos, M.N. Alava and M.S.B. Suliansa
Asian Marine Biology 14, 61-81, 1997

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Dr. Mudjekeewis Santos
[Personal Website]
joined October 27, 2006

25 journals, 13 conferences, 3 books, 5 societies, 3 awards