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Dr. Gina Siapco
Validation of food frequency questionnaires
Effect of bean/legume intake on health
Nuts consumption and and its effects on health

Journal Articles

Relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire used to assess food intake during a dietary intervention study
Siapco, G., Singh, P., Haddad, E., & Sabaté, J.
Nutrition and Cancer 60, 603–611, 2008

Plasma lipids and body composition: A comparison of lacto-ovo vegetarians and non-vegetarians (abstract)
Segovia-Siapco, G., Burns-Whitmore, B., Sabaté, J. & Rajaram. S.
FASEB Journal 22, 1092.16, 2008

Validation of a food frequency questionnaire for measurement of nutrient intake in a dietary intervention study.
Segovia-Siapco, G., Singh, P., Jaceldo-Siegl, K., & Sabaté, J.
Public Health Nutrition 10, 177-184, 2007

A study of the health status of Filipino workers in selected Seventh-day Adventist institutions in the Philippines
Segovia-Siapco, G.
International Forum 10, 65-91, 2007

Comparison of Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Composition of Lacto-ovo Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians (abstract)
Burns-Whitmore B., Siapco G., Rajaram S., & Sabaté J.
FASEB Journal 20, A1025, 2006

Does walnut consumption lead to weight gain?
Sabaté J., Cordero-MacIntyre Z., Siapco, G., Torabian S., & Haddad E.
British Journal of Clinical Nutrition 94, 859-864, 2005

Regular Walnut consumption increases omega-3 fatty acids in erythrocyte membranes
Siapco G., Torabian-Esfahani S., Haddad E., MacIntyre Z. & Sabaté J.
J Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 28, S2, 2004

Weight change as a basis of determining energy intake reporting quality (abstract)
Siapco G. S., Burns-Whitmore B., Haddad E. & Cordero-MacIntyre Z.
FASEB Journal 18, A860 , 2004

Dietary determinants of erythrocyte n-3 fatty acids during an intervention study (abstract)
Siapco G. S., Haddad E., & Sabaté J.
FASEB Journal 18, A881, 2004

Walnuts lower serum total cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic subjects (abstract)
Torabian-Esfahani S., Siapco G.S., Haddad E., Tanzman J.S., Cordero-MacIntyre Z. & Sabaté J.
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 28, S26, 2004


A Comparison Study of Buddhist Vegetarians and Seventh-day Adventist Vegetarians in West Malaysia
W. F. Chan & G. Siapco
5th International Vegetarian Nutrition Congress , Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA, March 4-6, 2008

Regular Walnut consumption increases omega-3 fatty acids in erythrocyte membranes
G. Siapco, S. Torabian-Esfahani, E. Haddad, Z. MacIntyre, & J. Sabaté
Nutrition Week / 4th Asian Congress of Dietetics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA / Pasay City, Philippines, February 9-12, 2004 / April 23-26, 2006

Body mass index, waist and hip circumferences are predictors of body composition in a sample of Filipinos in Cavite, Philippines (poster)
G. Siapco
4th Asian Congress of Dietetics, Pasay City, Philippines, April 23 – 26, 2006

Comparison of Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Composition of Lacto-ovo Vegetarians and Non-Vegetarians (poster)
B. Burns-Whitmore, G. Siapco, S. Rajaram, & J. Sabate
Experimental Biology 2006 , San Francisco, California USA, April 1-5, 2006

The use of multiple 24-hour diet telephone recalls to assess compliance in dietary intervention trials
J. Sabaté & G. Siapco
5th International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, Chiang Rai, Thailand, January 26-29, 2003

Food validation of a dietary questionnaire
G. Siapco & J. Sabaté
5th International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods, Chiang Rai, Thailand, January 26-29, 2003

Plasma lipids and body composition: A comparison of lacto-ovo vegetarians and non-vegetarians (poster)
G. Segovia-Siapco, B. Burns-Whitmore, S. Rajaram, & J. Sabaté
Experimental Biology, San Diego, California, USA, April 5-9, 2008

Plasma lipids and body composition: A comparison of lacto-ovo vegetarians and non-vegetarians (poster)
G. Segovia-Siapco, B. Burns-Whitmore, S. Rajaram, & J. Sabaté
Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, California, April 5-9, 2008

Weight change as a basis of determining energy intake reporting quality.
G. Siapco, B. Burns-Whitmore, E. Haddad, & Z. Cordero-MacIntyre
Experimental Biology , Washington, D.C., April 17-21, 2004

Dietary determinants of erythrocyte n-3 fatty acids during an intervention study (poster)
G. S. Siapco, E. Haddad, & J. Sabaté
Experimental Biology 2004, Washington. D.C., April 17-21, 2004

Dr. Gina Siapco
joined January 25, 2010

10 journals, 11 conferences, 5 societies, 2 awards