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Prof. Sonia Tiquia's Profile
Journal Articles
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Extracellular enzyme profiles during co-composting of poultry manure and yard trimmings.
Tiquia, S.M., Wan, J.H.C., and Tam, N.F.Y.
Process Biochemistry 36 (8–9) , 813–82, 2001

Fate of nitrogen during composting of chicken litter.
Tiquia, S.M., and Tam, N.F.Y.
Environmental Pollution 110 , 535–541, 2000

Co-composting of spent pig litter and sludge with forced-aeration.
Tiquia, S.M., and Tam, N.F.Y.
Bioresource Technology 72, 1–7, 2000

Nitrogen transformation during co-composting of spent pig manure, sawdust litter and sludge in forced-aerated system
Tam, N.F.Y., and Tiquia, S.M.
Environmental Technology 20, 259–267, 1999

In-Barn Composting System Plus a Warm Bed for Pigs
Richard, T.L., and Tiquia, S.M.
BioCycle. 40(10), 44, 1999

Elimination of phytotoxicity during co-composting of spent pig-manure sawdust litter and pig sludge.
Tiquia, S.M., and Tam, N.F.Y.
Bioresource Technology 65, 43–49, 1998

Composting of pig manure in Hong Kong
Tiquia, S.M., and Tam
BioCycle 39 (2), 78–79, 1998

Changes in chemical properties during composting of spent litter at different moisture contents
Tiquia, S.M., Tam, N.F.Y., and Hodgkiss, I.J.
Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 67, 79–89, 1998

Salmonella elimination during composting of spent pig litter.
Tiquia, S.M., Tam, N.F.Y., and Hodgkiss
Bioresource Technology 63, 193–196, 1998

Composting of spent pig litter in turned and forced aerated piles.

Environmental Pollution 99, 329–337, 1998

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Prof. Sonia Tiquia
[Personal Website]
joined August 1, 2009

37 journals, 4 societies